all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)

Tortilla Chips

Yes, I'm eating tortilla chips! And yes, I do so wish I had salsa, ground beef, sour cream, guacamole, and so forth and so on to dump on top. But then, that would mean that these chips evolved to nachos! And anyone who knows me knows I will take the least effort cooking route possible. I want to be able to whip things together, but the time it time I just spend scrolling. Hmm maybe I need to remedy that! I literally scroll on the internet from the moment I open my eyes til the moment my insomnia lets me go to bed.

I guess it's a chicken and egg situation. Do I not do anything besides scroll online because I don't want to do anything else? Or do I not want to do anything because I waste all my time scrolling? I feel like I've been addicted to the internet since I found it at age 8 or so. And now that I'm in my thirties, that adds up to a lot of scrolling. I think it was on here that I read someone mention that they feel like they have way more free time after getting off of the internet. I mean, seems totally reasonable. If I weren't online all day, I would have to do things to fill newly empty pockets of time. But that kind of worries me. I suppose I don't want to let go of my comfort blanket, as it were. I really and truly LOVE reading, and that to me is the internet and its posts, as well as novels, newspaper articles, and so on.

Life to me seems very long, assuming I'm not even halfway through mine based on average life expectancy. Yet, the days whiz by at a stupefying speed, even when I am doing "nothing" aka scrolling and devouring words online. I don't know if I want to speed up or slow down time. I have never known what I wanted to do! If I did, maybe I wouldn't feel so lost in time and space and sucked into this never ending online vortex. Oh well. I am a creature of habit, and being online feels like home, for better or worse!