all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)

Summer cold brewing

I wish I weren't getting that funny feeling again! I can sense a cold coming on. My nose is starting to stuff up in the back, when normally I never think about what my nose is doing. So I popped a couple of Cold FX pills and a vitamin C tablet. I'm drinking a cherry smoothie and I will have a zinc lozenge after. I don't fuck around with colds! I clearly caught this because I have started commuting again, so I'm in a packed train mere inches away from people who are harbouring illnesses in secret, or blatantly coughing and coughing and coughing as the train hurls through the sky at 8am. Whenever people cough I always chant to myself "It's just allergies!", but honestly, I don't believe myself and always expect to catch something. I try not to touch my face and I wash my hands right away when I get to work, but I guess that's not enough. Bleh. I can't believe colds are a thing. Stupid fucking viruses that invade our weak human meatsuits. ALSO if it's true that Vitamin D boosts the immune system, I'm super annoyed as I have been getting 30 minutes minimum of direct sunlight a day for weeks, so I should be a SUPER IMMUNE BEING! But no. God.

I just need to not be sick tomorrow because it's my last day at work before a 3 day long weekend. Normally I'm supposed to come in on Fridays, but there's shit to get done tomorrow so I said I could go in. Bleh. I kinda feel slow and useless at my job, but I have only been there 5 days so far, so I'm still trying to get into the swing of things. Again, bless the coworker helping me! He is so nice! I actually marvel over that all the time because I'm so used to being thrown in the deep end. So, because he is kind, I am invested in learning this role as fast as I can, so I can free him of these tasks/take over on his behalf. But I still hate accounting and I probably always will. Fuck CPA Canada as well for their stupid dues and stupid program. I have been kicked out essentially since I didn't pay my annual dues but I don't care to continue anyway. It was such a waste of time and everyone is just doing the program in the hopes of earning 100k or more a year, not because they actually like accounting or care about anything like learning. I've never been one to jump through the hoops placed in front of me. I'd prefer to walk around them.