all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)

sugared bananas

I love the smell of everything banana. But not like real banana. Artificial, sweet, Runt-esque, marshmallowy sugar banana. I got a perfume this year called "Vanille Banana" by Comptoir Sud Pacifique and I'm already halfway done the bottle. This is unheard of for me, because I have phases of perfume obsession where I buy a lot of different scents at once, and so it becomes nearly impossible to finish them.

But this bottle! It's like my baby. I wear it nearly every day, and it smells so good. Right now I'm sitting in front of a fan and getting wafts of sweet banana in my face as the breeze blows on my pulse points. So freaking good. The actual banana scent doesn't last more than an hour, unfortunately, but this is light enough to reapply if I'd like to! The perfume dries down to a sweet vanilla, which I love as well. I am definitely a fan of gourmand scents. I'm happy I found a scent I like so much. Having this perfect scent stopped my perfume researching and buying frenzy, since I feel like I have enough in my life with this amazing banana scent. I think, though, when I finish the bottle (what a dream), I won't repurchase. It seems extra special to have used and finished this one magical perfume, and then move onto the next one. We'll see!

Also, in other news, I'm going jet skiing tomorrow for the first time. Gasp! Yes, I am feeling a little nervous because I am not an adrenaline freak at all. I will be on a single Ski doo, which hopefully reduces the chances of flipping. Apparently partnered jet skis, riding two or more, makes it more likely for people to fall off, especially for novice riders during turns. I have always had a fear of the open water, which makes total sense seeing as I can't swim! I never took swimming lessons like other kids did because I always had ear infections, and my mother thought getting water in my ears would make it all worse. Now the ear infections are long in the past (thank god), but I can't swim. I don't know if that was a great trade, to be honest.

I can't swim and I can't drive! Kind of funny that most people have been doing these things for years and years to move themselves in different spaces and to different places, but all I can do is walk and take public transit. Wait, I lied. I can ride a bike! That's something. Learning how to ride a bike was actually traumatic because I hated learning how to do that, but I remember my mother yelling at me and forcing me to keep trying over and over again until I finally got how to do it, through my tears. I wish I had happier memories of childhood.