all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)

Smoothie Super Ego

I just spent 30 minutes in a blue swimsuit baking myself on my patio for that good ol' vitamin D. Hell yeah sun, fry me up! My chest area is super sensitive though, so it got a little pink. The rest of me is tanning into a golden deliciousness (or so I convince myself)! I think I have what is known as an "olive" skin tone, plus I'm pale, so when I don't have a tan with its browny base to counteract my natural tone, I think I look sickly and a little reptilian, even. I would LOVE to be "english rose" pale instead of yellowy-green. I love pale skin tones that make sense! My skin colour always makes me look a little off. Hence the tanning in the summer to regulate my appearance. Okay, enough blathering about that!

I'm drinking a smoothie. YAY. Inside is mango, caramel protein powder, and spinach. I used to put yogurt and peanut butter in these things, but I have gotten extremely lazy. Plus I eat yogurt and PB pretty much every day anyway, just not in smoothies, and I don't like to double up on the same food every day. That's a thing, right? I am also using a rare item known as a PLASTIC STRAW! Plastic straws have been banned for a while now where I live, so we have all been forced to suck on paper straws when buying drinks, or if we're super human and plan ahead, we bring our own cool metal straws. I do NOT like metal or paper straws, so I have a little horde of plastic ones that I'm gonna reuse for as long as I can. Hey, the 4 Rs are: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...and...Rethink (had to google this one, swear it was made up and added recently and no one will ever remember it)! Hence, REUSE means I am a saint. LOL.

My friends have gone to a little anime convention today. I kind of avoided confirming whether I would join them or not. So, I'm obviously not! I have such a low social battery. If I see friends once a year, I'm like cool, don't gotta do that for another year or so. I don't think most people are that way? I consider myself autistic soooo that could be why I have such a small people battery. Also, when I see people, I tend to act as a clown/entertainer/mediator which takes a lot out of me. My dream is always to be left to be own devices and to do whatever I want. Selfish? Maybe. Worth it? Absolutely, yes! I still think there are people out there that might click with me on whatever wave length I'm on, but as time goes by, the less hope I have of ever finding them. It's like I'm the only "like me" out there, which I guess I'll believe until proven otherwise. I know there are billions of people so "like mes" could be anywhere and everywhere, but, I still doubt it.