all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)


Okay, so we went to Ikea today. "We" being me and my boyfriend! I could spend forever in there, both in the sense of time passing, and in spending til my last dollar is gone! Bwahaha. I guess that's why I refrain from going too after the stupor of wandering in Ikea's delicious A/C, we ended up with some fake flowers (we got curious cats!), new bowls and plates, and some storage baskets! I also got a larger garbage can with a lid, as ours is currently a cheapie green plastic bin, but the new one doesn't fit under our sink, which is unfortunate as I really liked it! My boyfriend said it wouldn't fit and he was indeed correct. I got frozen yogurt as well which was a great idea as it is HOT AS HADES and the yogurt itself was actually delicious. I can't wait to return to Ikea soon. Should be soon indeed since we have to return the garbage can, plus we're working on our home to make it more cohesive and worth being in for happy moments, which means more stuff. I wish I had a better sense of interior design and just knew how to make the best use of a space. Whenever I watch people on Youtube showing off their tiny, yet beautifully curated, apartments, I'm always in awe (and admittedly a bit jealous!).

I truly do not feel as if I have any talents that I know of. I mean, I used to consider myself a writer, but I haven't written anything in years. Fiction, that is. I used to write a lot as a teenager, especially fan fiction, but that kind of passion and enthusiasm for things seems to have died long ago. I want to go back to my creative self, but I suppose it will take time. I'm rooting for myself and this little blog at least!