all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)

just like before

I am hungry! There is a 7 layer dip and chips waiting for meeee at home~ I finished day 2/3 of work woohoo! Tomorrow is my day off. Work is going okay. It's just a place after all, similar in duties to things I've done before. In interviews they try to sell jobs as amazing places to work with tons of perks and you get excited, but then...turns out to just be a place where you disappear to for 8 hours a day. I am pretty quiet so don't really engage in banter or whatever with my coworkers. It is not that I dislike them or anything. They are funny and the work chat pops off with humor. I am just me, and I am not one to engage in conversation just because. Also, being new, it is definitely harder to jump in as I feel like I'm testing the waters still.

I do feel like I might get fired. I always get that feeling even though it's never happened. But the feeling is stronger because I am only part time and was hired due to the other accountant being overwhelmed. But if they see me doing nothing/slacking/having downtime, I feel like I will be judged much more harshly than a full time employee would be. I really don't want to look for a new job right now as that would be a nightmare...

I kind of have a headache as well which I normally don't get. I think my glasses prescription needs to change. I feel like my vision gets worse and worse every year. Isn't it supposed to stabilize in your thirties? I guess it doesn't help that I am reading my phone 24/7 and never looking long distance. But still. I envy those with 20/20 vision! I would love to fall asleep watching TV and wake up with a nose that doesn't have angry red dents.

I am kind of tired of feeding, watering, and cleaning my body. I'm sure we all feel that way but it's tiring dragging this sack of meat that is me around and maintaining it.

I wish I could be super excited for something like I was a child and a teen. My emotions are much weaker now and I kind of float on a neutral plane. Nothing really captures my interest. Hmm.