all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)

ho-hum i'm a little sloth

I am happy it's Wednesday since I have the day off work! I told my partner I was excited about my mid-week rest day and he laughed and told me that most people don't get to have one. Well, that's the beauty and delight in being a part-timer! I've been watching Love is Blind UK recently and it's actually an enjoyable season compared to the mess of the latest US versions. Anyway, in one episode, a man told his fiancee that he is judgmental about people's jobs. He is apparently an ambitious high achiever while she's just a makeup artist. They had a bit of a spat over that, and rightfully so I think. Maybe the world is divided into two camps: those who are defined by their jobs, and those who aren't. I certainly am not. I feel it all the way from my scalp to my toes that I wasn't meant to be working a job, whatever that job is. I hate waking up to an alarm, I hate commuting, and I hate working in an office with people I would never spend a second with otherwise. I don't fall for anything to do with company culture, or mission, or values. Simply put: I don't care. What I love more than anything is free time and doing whatever I want. I'd rather be poor than have to work 80 hours a week. We're all here for a finite amount of time, and it makes me sad that so much time is spent being under someone else's thumb.

Of course, those who live to work have an entirely different perspective, and maybe rightfully so. If you have wanted to be a biologist or hairdresser or writer (hah) from childhood, and then you actually achieve that dream, maybe living your life's true calling feels better than anything. How would I know? I'm an aimless drifter who chafes at demands to do anything. Perhaps I am a useless human since I don't want to better society in any way. I'm a secret sloth who just waits around to see what happens next. Oh well, eh?