all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)

Cat in Lap

I went white water rafting today with a friend! It was fun. I kept thinking in the beginning that our raft was going to flip. I thought about how I would gulp down lungfuls of river water and bash my head on the rocks. How I'd taste blood through my broken teeth.

But none of that happened! I got splashed and screamed and smiled the whole time. Our rafting guide was a man from Tokyo named Shiro, and he did his best to keep us all safe and paddling at the appropriate times. I would definitely raft again, perhaps the more "difficult" rapids next time as apparently we did a more moderate course this time around.

The rafting campsite also provided breakfast, which was so nice! I feel like I'm in heaven whenever I'm given free food. So I had a little crispy breakfast sausage, pancakes (syrup!), and some scrambled eggs. It's nice to eat food out in the fresh air! Summer is great and everything feels so much easier when you're basking in sunshine. No wonder cats love to do it--such easy and cheap therapy! I used to wear sunscreen every day of the year and now I actually let my skin feel the sun every day, if it's nice out. Yes, I have gotten tanner. I've even thought about going to tanning beds, although I know that's it unhealthy. I won't do it, really. But now I understand why that feels so good to so many of us.

I'm a baby sunworshipper on this spinning rock, and I am grateful for that. I am also grateful for my two sweet cats, one of whom is dozing between my legs on a beige blanket. These kinds of days make me feel okay. Like maybe I am human, after all. Maybe I can do human things and feel the way others do. Maybe I'm not a lost cause.