all i need are cats and words (=^・ω・^=)

angels = cats

Spent some time this morning playing with my kitten, wherein she chased fuzzy balls and mice around as I flung them! Violet is a playful little lynxpoint siamese, with bright blue eyes and a little black freckle on her bubblegum nose. We, humans and cat-sister alike, all adore her! She might be the sweetest kitten in the entire world since she only licks, never bites, and is very well-mannered in general. She's gotten quite big now at almost 10 months old. She'll be a full-fledged cat soon; it's hard for me believe! She was a tiny little bean when we first picked her up from the animal shelter all the way back in January right before a crazy snowstorm hit. As shitty as life can be, I love cats and I will always love cats. Maybe they're little angels sent down to us, after all (which is pretty much as religious as an atheist like me can get, lol).

Looking out the window, all I see is a grey and heavy gloom, which excites me. I hope there's a giant rainstorm. Sometimes it feels good for everything to drowned out, so that we can all feel a little fresher afterwards. My other cat, a chunky tabby gal, has lately enjoyed busting out the backdoor, so we cautiously allow her on the patio under our supervision for fresh air. It was quite funny when it sprinkled rain the other day when she was out and she looked up to the sky and let out a surprised "Myeeeh?" CATS!!!